
Abstracted 1890 Veteran Schedule, Bracken County, Ky

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Introduction to this Database

The 1890 US Census was destroyed by fire. All that remains are the special Veterans Schedules, which were stored in a different location.

This is a complete transcription of the 1890 Bracken County Veterans Census, not an abstract. If a data field is blank, it is blank on the census sheet and I can provide no additional information. Spelling, punctuation and grammar errors are exactly as entered on the census form. Brackets [ ] mark notations for handwritten entries that are unclear, crossed out or over-written. Some of the handwriting was very difficult to read. In cases where a name can be interpreted more than one way, all are provided.

Keep in mind that this is a census of Civil War veterans and their widows still living in 1890. It does not include the many other veterans who were deceased by 1890. If you believe your ancestor served in the Civil War from Bracken County, but he is not included here there are three possibilities: He died before 1890; He moved to another county or state; He resided in an adjacent county in 1890 due to a redrawing of county lines. In any case, to find him you will have to do research in the compiled service records.

Also be aware that the enumerators' instructions were to record only men who served on the Union side in the war. In many instances, the enumerator included the Confederate soldiers, and then crossed them out. Since it is of equal value to researchers, I included the crossed-out information in all cases whenever it could still be read. The cross-outs are noted in brackets.

The census form was in two parts, with residence, disabilities and remarks at the bottom. The complexity of web tables makes it impossible to follow the original format. Use your scroll bar to read the entire entry.

Records transcribed and formatted for the KyGenWeb by Marla McCullough, KyGenWeb Bracken County Coordinator, 16 May 2004.

Rec House Family Name Rank Company Regt/Vessel Enlist Date Discharge Date Length Svc PO Address Disabilities Remarks
Supervisor District 4 E.D.23 Foster Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky Thomas Connolly, Enumerator Page 1
2 - - James I. Johnson Private A 54 Ohio Inft Oct 16 1862 Feb 2nd 1863 -3 18 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
3 - - Joel N. Ratcliff Private B 40 Ky Inft Jan 10 1863 Dec- 1864  forgot Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism & Weak Eyes -
4 - - Lewella Demoss Formerly Widow of Maxwell Jo-( ? ) Private - In some Ohio Cav Co. & Regt. 186-  forgot - Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Lost by Explosion of Str Sultana in April 1865 -
5 - - David W. Craig Private C 18 Ky Inf Aug 15 1862 Jan 20 1865 2 10 8 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Bullet wound in hand & leg -
6 - - George W. Vanlandingham Priv B  34 Ohio Inft Sep 23 1861 Sep 23 1864 3 0 0 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Piles & Rheumatism -
7 - - Jacob Rocker (Rochur ? ) Private G  59 Ohio Inft Forgotten Forgotten .- Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Heart Disease & Rheumatism -
8 - - Lewis T. Craig Private C 18 Ky Inft Sept- 1861 May- 1865 3 4- Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Draws Pension for Broken arm -
9 - - Francis P. Craig Private C 18 Ky Inft Oct 18 1861 Aug 15 1863 1 10- Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
10 - - John R. Clark Private C 54 Ky Inft Sept 1st 1864 Sept 1st 1865 1 0 0 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
11 - - Edward McGlynn Private A 21 Ky Inft Oct 1st 1861 Dec 1st 1864 3 2 0 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Arm wounded by piece of shell -
12 - - Charles H. Mullen (Mullew ? ) Private L 5 Ohio Cav Sept 11 1861 Feb 11 1863 1 5 0 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism & weak eyes -
13 - - Clark Estell Private A 5 Ohio Cav Sept 18 1861 Nov 29 1864 3 2 19 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky General Debility -
14 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
15 - - Robert E. Miller Private D 16 Ky Inft Jan 27 1862 Jan 26 1863 1 0 0 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism Reenlisted in 64 Discharged atend of war
16 - - Bellmain H. Pangburn Priv R? 128 ? Ohio Inft Feb 1 1865 Sept 21 1865 -7 21 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Crippled knee by fall in service -
17 - - Armilda McClanahan widow OfJames W. McClanahan Priv D 16 Ky Inft Sep. 1 1861 At close of War not known Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Died 10 years ago Widow has applied for pension
18 - - Gilbert Young Private K 54 Ky Inft Sept 1 1864 Sept 1 1865 1 0 0 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism Frozen feet sprained ankle -
19 - - Christian Lytle Private D 16 Ky Inft Oct 8th 1861 Dec 31st 1863 3 9 7 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Gun shot wound Reenlisted in the field
20 - - James C. Shepherd Private D 16 Ky Inft Oct 8th 1861 Jan 28 1865 3 3 20 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Catarrh of head & rheumatism -
21 - - John Shawhan Private D 10 Ind Cav Nov 29th 1863 May 31st 1865 1 4 28 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Cronic diarahea -
22 - - Joseph E. Gillaspie Private Foster's Inft. Ohio Cav Co. 186- 186- .- Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
23 - - Barbray E. Watson formerly Widowof Florance George W. Priv B 6th Ky Cav - - 3 0 18 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Measles & cronic diarahea Died from effect of same
24 - - George W. Holmes Private F 88th Ohio Inft Jul 11th 1863 Jul 1st 1865 1 11 20 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism from exposure in time of war -
25 - - John Green Private A 18 Ky Inft. Oct 16 1861 April 4 1865 3 5 18 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Granulated sore eyes -
26 - - Milton Woods Private D 18th Ky Inft Aug 22 1861 Aug 27 1864 3 0 5 Foster, Bracken Co., KY Heart & lung trouble -
27 - - Greenberg Carr Private A 19th Ohio Inft Sept 12th 1861 Nov 1st 1864 3 1 18 Foster, Bracken Co., KY Weak eyes from bullet and rheumatism -
28 - - William H. Maskley Absent from home Wife does not know what co or regt. - - - - - Foster, Bracken Co., KY Impaired hearing pensioned
29 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
30 - - Henry Clark Private 178 ?  ? (overwritten) Ohio Inft Feb 6 1865 Aug 4 1865 - 5 18 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
31 - - William W. Dauce (Dance) Private H 18 Ky Inft Feb 8 1862 July 18 1865 3 5 10 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
32 - - James A. Benjamin Private A 59 Ohio Inft Sept 12 1861 Nov 1 1864 3 1 19 Foster Bracken Co., Ky Cronic diarehea or maleria poison resulting inrheumatism Reenlisted in 196th Ohio
33 - - James S. Riley Priv & Capt H 59 Ohio Inft Sept 30 1861 Nov 1 1864 3 1 1 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Nasal catarrh cronic diarahea -
34 - - William C. Dixon Private K 110 Ohio Inft May 16 1864 Jun 25 1866 1 1 9 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Cronic diarahea & rheumatism -
35 - - Daniel W. Estell Private D 10 Ind Cav Jun 3 1864 July 20 1865 1 0 17 Lenoxburg, Bracken Co., Ky Injured by fall from horse in line of dutycausing rupture & piles -
36 - - William I. Jackson Corporal D 16 Ky Inft Oct 8 1861 June 25 1865 3 8 15 Johnsville, Bracken Co., Ky Piles & cronic diarahea -
37 - - John Shilling Private D 16 Ky Inft Oct 8 1861 Jan 28 1865 3 3 20 Bradford, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
38 - - Lewis H. Lytle Corporal D 16 Ky Inft Oct 8 1861 July 15 1865 3 9 7 Bradford, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
39 - - Thomas E. Rilea Private L 9 Ohio Cav Oct 4 1863 Aug 4 1865 1 10- Bradford, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism & ruptured -
40 - - Mary A. Houston widow Of John S.Houston Private D 16 Ky Inft Oct 8 1861 July 15 1865 3 9 7 Johnsville, Bracken Co., Ky - Reenlisted in field came home atclose of war Draws 175 ?
41 - - Thomas Connelly Private D 10 Mo Inft Aug 22 1861 Aug 27 1864 3 0 5 Foster, Bracken Co., Ky Catarrh & Piles Deafness Reenlisted in Hancocks Vet A.C.?
42 - - Blank Page - - - - - - - - -
43 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
44 - - Supervisor District 4 E.D.22 Brooksville Bracken Co. Kentucky H.C, Weaver,Enumerator Page 1 - - -
45 - - Frillutia M. Ellis formerlywidow of Wyatt, Lemuel K Blacksmith C 1 US Cav unknown 186- Nov 3 1864 - Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - Died at Winchester Va. Nov 3,1864
46 - - Barker, John P. Private K 55 Ky Infy Mch 17 1865 Sept 17 1865 - 6 2 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism -
47 - - Hause, Samuel B. Private - 17th Ohio L Sept 6 1862 Aug 16 1865 3 0 10 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
48 - - Day, John J. Ord. Srgt - Str Fawn Aug 10 1864 June 10 1865 0 10 0 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
49 - - Andrews Deborah formerly widowof Mattingly William H. Private B 40 Ky ? - 6 1863  died 186- 0 8 23 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky Died July 29, 1864 at Paris, Ky  (Receives a Pension last husband died and healso was a soldier.)
50 - - Metcalfe, Henry C. Private E 16 Ky VV Jany 1 1864 July 15 1865 1 6 14 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
51 - - Sellers, (Dillers ? ) Robert Private K 54 Ky Mt Inf  ? Sept 1 1864 Sept 1 1865 1 0 0 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
52 - - Story, John W. Private Capt Bradford's ? Infy ?  unknown - - Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
53 - - Same Private I 16 Ky Inft Apl 25 1862 Apl 8 1865 2 11 28 Same Wounded May 27,1864, gunshot, left arm. Receives Pension
54 - - Sarah J. Widow of Alexander J.Hamilton Private E 16 Ky Infy Oct 18 1861 July 15 1865 3 8 27 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
55 - - Hines George W. Private F 1 Ky Cav Unk 1864  unk 1865 .- Rockspring, Bracken Co., Ky - -
56 - - Same Private H  unknown  unk - - Same - -
57 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
58 - - Thompson Lyman V. Private K 55 Ky Infy Mch 16 1865 May 24 1865 0 2 8 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
59 - - Coulty ( ? ) Uriah C. Private D 16 Ky Infy Oct 8 1861 0 0 186- 3 1 15 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky -  (arrested for desertion Nov 13, 1864 ? rest illeg.)
60 - - Margaret widow of Powell Samuel Private F 18 Ky Infy Oct 16 1861 0 0 186-  ? 14 Powersville, Bracken Co., KY Killed in action Aug 30, 1862 at Richmond Ky Receives pension
61 - - Smith William R. Corpl B 6 Ky Cav Feby 22 1864 Sept 6 1865 1 6 14 Powersville, Bracken Co., KY - Served in 6th Ky Cav & 6thKy Vet Cav
62 - - Same Private E 10 Ky Cav Aug 11 1862 Sept 17 1863 1 1 6 Powersville, Bracken Co., KY - -
63 - - Wood Samuel Private E 10 Ky Cav Aug 11 1862 Dec 1 1863 1 3 19 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - Receives pension $18 per month
64 - - Burch Arthur Private E 10 Ky Cav Aug 11 1862 Sept 17 1863 1 1 6 Powersville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
65 - - Fryman ? M ( ? ) M. Private D 40 Ky Infy June 3 1863 Dec 31 1864 1 6 28 Powersville, Bracken Co., Ky Partial Deafness left ear by discharge of gun at Mt. Sterling Ky ? 1863 -
66 - - Cooke Patrick Private E 16 Ky Infy Oct 29 1861 July 15 1865 3 8 16 Powersville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
67 - - Mains John Private E 16 Ky Infy Oct 12 1861 July 15 1865 3 9 3 Powersville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
68 - - Emily J. widow of downard Adam 1st Lieut F 18 Ky Infy Oct 16 1861 July 18 1865 3 9 2 Powersville, Bracken Co., Ky - Receives a pension.
69 - - Gleason John Corpl K 55 Ky Infy Mch 17 1865 Sept 19 1865 0 6 2 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - Receives a pension $8 per month
70 - - Front (Fronk ? ) John F Private E 16 Ky Infy Feby 23 1864 July 15 1865 1 4 22 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
71 - - Tucker John Private K 54 Ky Infy Sep 1 1864 Sep 1 1865 1 0 0 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky Heart disease, Rheumatism, partial deafness. Receives a pension $25 a month
72 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
73 - - Grigery (Gregory ? ) Francis M Private D 18( ? ) Ohio Inf - Mar 1865 9 Oct 1865 - 7- Bradford Liver Trouble -
74 - - Lowery (Lowens ? ) John Private D 5 Ohio Infy 11 Sep 1861 4 May 1863 1 8- Johnsville Heart Disease -
75 - - do Seaman ? - - Red River ? 7 July 1864 12 Aug 1865 1 1 5 do -
76 - - Russell Philo Private D 16 Ky Inf 8 Oct 1861 28 Jan 1865 3 3 20 Johnsville - Old. Very needy.
77 - - Rebecca Widdow of Smith GeorgeB. Private A 83 Ohio- - - - do - -
78 - - Case Charles G. Private H 189 Ohio Inf 22 Feb 1865 28 Sep 1865 - 7 6 Rocksprings - -
79 - - Kinnett Arthur M. Private G 18 Ohio Inf 3 Apr 1865 9 Oct 1865 - 6 6 Johnsville - -
80 - - Craycraft Zeddock Private D 24 Ky Inf 18 Nov 1861 31 Jan 1865 3 1 13 do - -
81 - - Clarinda Widdow of Pepper AndreJ. Private E 175 Ohio Inf . 186- . 186- - 11- Lenoxburg - Drs. Charge lost ?
82 - - Jackson Benjamin F. Private D 16 Ky Inf 8 Feb 1864 11 Jan 1865 - 11 3 Johnsville - -
83 - - Boughner Oliver P. Private D 16 Ky Inf 8 Oct 1861 1 Dec 1863 2 1 22 do - -
84 - - do do do do 1 July 1864 14 July 1865 1 0 15 do - -
85 - - - Fairview Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky Augustus D. Letton,Enumerator - - - - -
86 - - Page 2 - - - - - - - - -
87 - - Meyer Frederick Private D 16 Ky Inf 15 Oct 1861 8 Jan 1865 3 2 23 Johnsville Gunshot wound -
88 - - McKee William B Sergeant C 175 Ohio Inf 16 Aug 1864 25 May 1865 - 9 9 Johnsville Wound on leg -
89 - - Hiles (Hiler ? ) George H Private A 36 Ohio Inf 8 Mar 1864 27 July 1865 1 4 19 Johnsville Rheumatism -
90 - - Bordwell Reubin Private K 66 Ohio Inf 26 Sep 1864 17 June 1865 - 8 21 Johnsville - -
91 - - Meyer Fredrick W. Private D 16 Ky Inf 15 Oct 1861 27 Feb 1865 3 3 7 Johnsville - -
92 - - Thompson Samuel W. Private K 54 Ky Inf 1 Sep 1864 1 Sep 1865 1 Johnsville - -
93 - - Margritt Widdow of Riflemaker(Riblemaker ? ) Jacob Private H 10 Ky Cav 12 Aug 1862 17 Sep 1863 1 1 5 Johnsville Hearing left ear -
94 - - Mary S. Widdow of Hill Mathew T. Private D 6 Ky Cav - - - Johnsville - Discharge on file
95 - - Jones doutey M. (U. ? ) Private C 12 Ohio Inf 10 June 1861 29 Dec 1862 1 6 19 Johnsville Gunshot wound Discharged on surgeoncertificate
96 - - do Private C 175 Ohio Inf . 186- 25 May 1865 .- Johnsville - -
97 - - Yelton Johnson T. Sergeant D 16 Ky Inf 15 Oct 1861 15 July 1865 3 9- Johnsville - -
98 - - Brush John Private K 54 Ky Inf 1 Sep 1864 16 Sep 1865 Johnsville. - - -
99 - - Smith Perry Private K 54 Ky Inf 1 Sep 1864 . 186- .- Johnsville - -
100 - - Supervisor District 4 E.D.25 Berlin Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky Elijah R. Barrett,Enumerator - - - -
101 - - Adam M. Sroufe ? Pri C 16 Ky Inf - Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky Lungs affected crippled by gun shot 3rd fingerof right hand shot off - --
102 - - Hiram Ross Pri C 16 Ky Inf - - 3 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
103 - - Edward Purtis Pri G 16 Ky Inf 3 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - - - -
104 - - Susan Gillaspie Widow IraGillaspie Pri G 16 Ky Inf 2 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - - - -
105 - - Ann L. Mcdonald widow ThomasMcdonald Pri - - 3 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - - - -
106 - - John Clark Private D 16 Ky Inf Oct 8 1861 Aug 1 1865 3 9 23 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky Gun shot wound in right thigh. Sometimes troublesome, getsworse with time.
107 - - Richard French Private D 16 Ky Inf Oct 13 1861 3 10 28 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - - -
108 - - Joseph S. Cendanburg(Criedanberg ? ) Blacksmith - 7 Ky Cav 3 Pearl, Bracken Co., Ky - - - -
109 - - Jerry Glinn (says he was a sol- cannot tell what regt or command - - - - - Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
110 - - Sidney Gashorn Private Discharge lost . 186- . 186- 3 4- Weaver ( ? ), Bracken Co., Ky - - -
111 - - Mary Haley widow of WilliamHaley Private Co D 16 Ky Vol Inft - - 3 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
112 - - Martha T. Wilson widdow JohnWilson Private D 16 Ky Vol Inf - - 3 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
113 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
114 - - Hiram Woodruff Private - 40 Ky Vol - Jun 1863 - Dec 1864 1 6- Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
115 - - Louisa J. Allender- widow ofJohnson Allender Private - 40 Ky Vol 10 Jun 1863 8 Dec 1864 1 6- Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
116 - - Fergus Morehead Private B 40 Ky Vol 1 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - - - -
117 - - Lydia A. Riley- widow of John H.Riley Private D 16 Ky Vol 8 Oct 1861 16 July 1865 3 9 8 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
118 - - Harvey Kirk Private D 40 Ky Vol 8 Jun 1863 8 Dec 1864 3 6- Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - -
119 - - Stephen Wilson Private D 16 Ky Vol 2 Fairview, Bracken Co., Ky - - - -
120 - - William Woodrull Private D 16 Ky Vol 1 Berlin, Bracken Co., Ky - - - -
121 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
122 - - Supervisor District 4 E.D.26 - - John W. Jenkens,Enumerator - - - - -
123 - - King, John L. Private G 16 Ky Inf - Oct 1861 - Aug 1865 3 9 20 Milford, Ky General debility -
124 - - William O. King Private F 40 Ky Inf - May 1863 - Dec 1865 2 2 0 Milford, Ky Horse fell on leg -
125 - - Ballinger Martin Private B 40 Ky Inf - June 1863 - Sept 1864 1 8 5 Milford, Ky Dihoree -
126 - - Askin Vincent Private C 132 Ky Inf - May 1864 - Sept 1864 - 4- Santafee, Ky Dihoree -
127 - - Kafler Fred Private I 10 Ky Inf - Aug 1863 - Sept 1865 2 3- Santafee, Ky One eye out -
128 - - Gleason Thomas Corporal K 55 Ky - Mar 1865 - Sept 1865 0 6 0 Milford, Ky Spine trouble -
129 - - Cass (Carr ? ) Joseph Private M 13 Ky - Sept 1863 - May 1865 1 3 0 Milford, Ky One eye out -
130 - - Charles Bell Corporal B 40 Ky Inf - May 1863 - Aug 1864 1 3 0 Milford, Ky Left leg hurt by horse -
131 - - Miller John R. Lieut F 18 Ky Inft - Oct 1861 - Jun 1865 3 7 0 Milford, Ky Chest disease -
132 - - Stump John W. Serg F 18 Ky Inf - Oct 1861 - June 1865 3 7 0 Milford, Ky Rhumatism chronic dihoree -
133 - - Shiwantins( ? ) Wesley Private F 18 Ky Inf. - Oct 1861 - June 1865 3 7 0 Milford, Ky Rheumatism & lung disease -
134 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
135 - - Milford Magisterial District - - - - - - - - -
136 - - Cronford (Crawford ? ) Patrick Private B 40 Ky- May 1863 - Dec 1864 1 6- Milford, Ky Lung & kidney trouble -
137 - - Workman Mical Private I 10 Ky- - Jun 1861 - Jun 1862 1 Milford, Ky - -
138 - - Fields Willis Corporal F 40 Ky- - May 1863 - ? 1865 1 6 0 Milford, Ky None -
139 - - Brown Henry Sergt B 40 Ky- - June 1863 - ? 1864 1 0 Milford, Ky - -
140 - - Stump William Private A 123 Ky- - June 1864 1 5- Milford, Ky Lungs & eyes efected - -
141 - - Coleman Elis Private B 40 Ky May 1863 - Feb 1865 1 11- Milford, Ky Eyes & leg efected -
142 - - Fields Elijah Sergt A 40 Ky May 1863 - Dec 1864 1 6 0 Milford, Ky Cancer on arm -
143 - - Mcdowell John Private I 10 KY - June 1861 - Sept 1863 2 8- Milford, Ky - -
144 - - Mann, John W. Private B 40 Ky- May 1863 Dec 1864 1 6- Milford, Ky Liver trouble & loss of hair -
145 - - Reed John S. 1st Lieut B 40 Ky - May 1863 - Feb 1864 - 9- Milford, Ky Gun shot wound -
146 - - Kidder Lafell Private G 16 Ky - Oct 1861 - July 1865 3 8- Petra, Ky General broken down -
147 - - Thompson Joseph Private H 40 Ky - May 1863 - Jan 1864 1 6- Milford, Ky Sick headake -
148 - - Merell (Minell ? ) John W. Private G 40 Ky Oct 1863- Dec 1864 1 6- Milford, Ky Measles & wounded- Shot-
149 - - Curtis Vunhack (Vanhook?) Private B 40 Ky May 1863 - Dec 1864 1 6- Milford, Ky Deafness -
150 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
151 - - Moore Leavi Private B 6 Ohio ? -Oct 1861 3 3- Milford, Ky Rheumatism deafness eye sight - -
152 - - Jenkins John W Sergt H 18 Ky - Jun 1865 3 9- Milford, Ky Rheumatism chronick ? from deafness - -
153 - - [margin note says"add"] - - - - - - - - -
154 - - Sam'l G. Hamilton - - - . 186- . 186- .- Milford, Ky - -
155 - - Martha Murphy (widow) Abe Murphy - - . 186- . 186- .- Milford, Ky - - -
156 - - Rachel Glasscock (widow) LouisGlasscock - - . 186- . 186- .- Milford, Ky - - -
157 - - Frank Legarden - - - . 186- . 186- .- Milford, Ky - -
158 - - Mattie Mcdowell (wid) - - - . 186- . 186- .- Milford, Ky - -
159 - - Blank Page - - - - - - - - -
160 - - Supervisor District 4 E.D.27 Augusta Precinct - - Henry C. Yates,Enumerator - - - -
161 - - Phebe E. widow of James F.Snyder Pri G 16 Ky V V Inft Oct- 1861 Aug 5 1864 4 3 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - Reenlisted
162 - - Walker John W Pri I 184 O I Jan- 1865 0 9 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - - -
163 - - Speath Seth J - - - - 186- . 186- .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
164 - - Cablish John ? O US Navy- . 186- - - 9- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
165 - - Chambers Charles T. 2nd Lieut C 53rd Ky Mtd Inf Sep 23 1864 Jan 17 1865 - 9- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
166 - - Mannow (Mannon ? ) Adrian A. Pri H 47 Ill Inft Feb 14 1864 Feb 2 1865 0 0 302 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
167 - - Cummins Nelson P - D 16th Ky VV Inf Jan 25 1862 July 15 1865 3 7 15 Rocksprings, Bracken Co., Ky - Reenlisted
168 - - Bravard Dudley O. Pri E 16 Ky Inft Oct 18 1861 Aug 1st 1862 - - - -
169 - - - 2nd Lieut K 54 Ky Mtd Inft Sep 1st 1864 May 1865 1 7 12 Augusta - -
170 - - McClanahan Thomas J Pri D 16 Ky Inf Oct 8 1862 Dec 31 1863 - - - -
171 - - - Sergt D 16 Ky VV Inf Jan 1 1864 Jul 15 1865 3 9 7 - - -
172 - - DeWitt Jacob M Pri H 40 Ky Inft Jun 2 1863 Dec 30 1864 1 6 28 Augusta - -
173 - - Miller Allen W Pri C 12 O Inf Jun 3 1861 July- 1864 3 1 10 Augusta - -
174 - - Lea Harry Pri K 54 Ky Mtd Inf Sept 12 1864 Sept- 1865 1 0 0 Augusta - -
175 - - Augusta Page 2 - - - - - - - - -
176 - - Owens, Calvin Pri A 189 O Inf Feb- 1865 July- 1865 - 5- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
177 - - McCane James W Pri G 18 Ky Inf Mar- 1862 3 3 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - - -
178 - - Jordan George W Pri B 149 O N.G. Dec 15 1864 . 186- - - - -
179 - - King Joseph Pri B 59 O Inf - 9- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - - --
180 - - McCane Samuel C. Pri B 40 Ky Mtd Inf Jun 10 1863 Dec 30 1864 1 6 20 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
181 - - Nancy B (Guardian) John ? Laffey Pri F 23 Ky Inf 0 0 1861 0 0 1864 4 0 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
182 - - Bretz George F Pri C 11 O Inf Sept 10 1864 Jun 10 1865 0 9 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
183 - - Sanders ? James A Pri B 40 Ky Mtd Inf Jun 6 1863 Dec 30 1864 1 6 24 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
184 - - Yates Jame H Pri H 59 O Inf Sept 30 1861 Nov 14 1864 3 1 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
185 - - Peter Nielsen - 12 N Y I B - 1861- 3 8 20 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - - --
186 - - John A Curry Pri D 16 Ky Inf Oct 9 1861 July 16 1865 3 9 7 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Wounded July 21st 1864 Reenlisted.
187 - - [margin note says"add"] - - - - - - - - -
188 - - Henry Edwards - - - . 186- . 186- .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
189 - - Blank Page - - - - - - - - -
190 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
191 - - Miller William Pri D 5 Va Inf Apr- 1863 July 21 1865 2 3 17 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - Reenlisted
192 - - McKeown John Pri A 5 Ky Inft July 10 1861 Sept- 1864 3 0 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
193 - - Wittmeier Leonhart Pri - 6 O Inft 3 3 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Piles & rupture while in army - --
194 - - Mary E Widow of Henry Bluerock Pri B 22 O Inf 3 0 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - - --
195 - - McKibben George H Pri - O Inft Sep- 1863 .- 0 0 10 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
196 - - McGee Nathan Col'd Sergt II 124 US Col'd Infy . 186- - 9- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - - -
197 - - Wyatt Lewis S Pri C 35 Ind Infy Dec 7 1861 Aug 10 1862 0 8 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
198 - - Rees George L Musician Post Band USA. Sept 1 1864 Sept 1 1867 3 0 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
199 - - Sarah E Widow of Dr. J. T.Bradford Surgeon 10th Brig 4th Div Army of the O? . 186- . 186- - 9 0 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
200 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
201 - - Supervisor District 4 E.D.28 - - - - - - - -
202 - - Overturf Harvey M. Private E 10 Ky Cav 11 Aug 1862 17 Sep 1863 1 1 6 Augusta, Ky. Back injured -
203 - - Eddy Francis M Private H 7 Vir Cav - Aug 1862 - Jun 1864 2 10- Augusta, Ky. Gun shot wound in left hip -
204 - - William G. Weimer Private - 40 Ky Inf . 186- .- Augusta, Ky. Feeble minded. Not caused by service. -
205 - - Earnest Bloomer Private D 4 or 5 Ohio Inf .- Augusta, Ky. Broken elbow joint. Fell on it in line of duty. --
206 - - George Lippert Musician - 43 Ill Inf - Sep 1861 24 July 1862 - 10- Augusta, Ky. Injury to left knee and ankle. Fell on R R track.
207 - - [name lined out] William B.Pitts Private F 5 Ky Cav 13 Sep 1862 5 May 1864 1 Augusta, Ky. - -
208 - - James Jirruson (Jinuson ? ) Private A 5 (Col) US Inf - Sep 1864 0 Sep 1865 1 Augusta, Ky. - -
209 - - William Stevenson Private C 59 Ohio Inf - Sep 1861 .- Augusta, Ky. Phthisis Pulmonalis - -
210 - - William Hall Private E 175 Ohio- - July 1864 -July 1865 1 Augusta, Ky. Deaf in left ear -
211 - - William T. Fields Private B 27 Mo- 4 July 1861 .- Augusta, Ky. Left arm off 1 eye out 1 eye poor, other armstiff in elbow - -
212 - - Reenlisted in Private D 63 Ill- . Dec 1861 24 Oct 1862 .- - - -
213 - - James L. Oconnel Private A 18 Ky Inf 25 Oct 1861 18 July 1865 .- Augusta, Ky. Defect in sight prolapsus rectum -
214 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
215 - - Thomas B. Ryan Sergt B 7 Ky Cav 24 July 1862 23 May 1863 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Loss left eye by gun shot wound -
216 - - Amiziah Essex Private F 34 Ohio Inf 5 Aug 1861 31 Jan 1862 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Leg crushed by wagon in army. Contracted in line of duty.
217 - - Laura F. Widow of McGill HarmonS. Private F 18 Ky Inf . 186- . 186- .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Measles contracted in service -
218 - - Mary Widow of Eaveris ? Henry J. Private G 27 Ohio Inf 2 July 1861 - Aug 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Malaria contracted in service -
219 - - Kerans George T. Private H 189 Ohio Inf 19 Feb 1865 29 Sept 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Rupture on left side. Contracted in line of duty
220 - - Charity B. Widow of Alfred N.Meyers Private E 16 Ky Inf . 186- 1 Aug 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Rheumatism & Piles -
221 - - Kantz William Private C 2 Ohio Lt Artil - Aug 1862 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Catarrh. Ribs broken - -
222 - - Gillespie Robert L Private E 16 Ky Inf 13 Jan 1862 - July 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Chronic diarheoea heart trouble -
223 - - Steen Albert Private E 55 Mntd Inf - May 1863 - Oct 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Gun shot wound in hip -
224 - - Hafer James H Private B 12 Ohio Inf - Apr 1861 - July 1861 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Cataral affection in head which- affects sight& hearing -
225 - - Reenlisted Private B 172 Ohio Inf - May 1864 .- - - - -
226 - - Cox William P Private E 16 Ky Inf - Oct 1861 1 Aug 1865 3 10- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Lame back and weak ankle -
227 - - Holton Andrew J Private D 59 Ohio Inf 26 Aug 1862 28 Jun 1865 2 10 2 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Bronchitis and deafness -
228 - - Conley Samuel P Corpl I 59 Ohio Inf 1 Feb 1862 1 Feb 1865 3 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Loss of hearing, weakness in back ? -
229 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
230 - - Grigson George P Private D 16 Ky Inft 8 Oct 1861 28 Jan 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Broncheal trouble -
231 - - Yates Henry C Private E 10 Ky Cav 11 Aug 1862 17 Sep 1863 .- - - -
232 - - Elizabeth A. Widow of Josephdoniphan Surgine - 16 Ky Inft . 186- . 186- .- - - -
233 - - Reese Cary A. Musician - - . 186- . 186- .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
234 - - Weimer Benjamin F. Private E 16 Ky Inft - Oct 1862 7 Aug 1865 3 10- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
235 - - Thomas Levander Private - 16 Ky Inft 5 Nov 1861 4 Aug 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky - -
236 - - Patty James Private I 13 US Heavy Artl . 186- . 186- .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Chronic dihroehea neuralgia -
237 - - dolder Charles Private C 2 Ill Cav - July 1861 - July 1864 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Fever caused enlarged knee & head -
238 - - Smith Elias Private B 117 Ky Inft 15 July 1864 19 Sep 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Billious liver & Rheumatism -
239 - - Perham Benjamin W. Private - 5 Ohio Cav 4 April 1865 15 May 1865 - 1 5 Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Physical disability -
240 - - Galvin James H Private K 59 Ohio Inft 15 Aug 1862 - June 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Deafness by cold in head -
241 - - Lucy J. Widow of William D.Minger Private C 2 Ky Cav 25 Oct 1861 13 Mch 1865 .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Epilepsia gradually growing worse -
242 - - Craig Benjamin S. Private K 59 Ohio Inft -186- . 186- .- Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky Gunshot wounds in side & wrist -
243 - - Blank Page - - - - - - - - -
244 - - Supervisor District 4 E.D.29 Germantown Precinct - - W.C. Ceaugh,Enumerator - - - -
245 - - Lewis W. Griffith Private H 53 Ky In Mch 15 1865 Sep 1 1865 0 5 15 Germantown, Bracken Co., KY - -
246 - - Samuel A. Guy Private E 16 Ky Inf Oct 15 1861 Aug 5 1865 3 9 20 Germantown, Bracken Co., KY Bronchitis Deafness in left ear -
247 - - John Curtis Private E 7 Ky Inf Aug 1 1861 Aug 1 1865 4 0 0 Germantown, Bracken Co., KY - -
248 - - Nancy J. Widow of Gustavus F.Branard Private E 16 Ky Inf Oct 22 1861 Dec 31 1863 2 2 9 Brooksville, Bracken Co., KY Consumption -
249 - - do Private E 16 Ky Inf Jan 1 1864 July 15 1865 1 6 14 Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky - -
250 - - Jerome Phillips Private G 16 Ky Inf Apr 4 1863 July 15 1865 2 3 11 Germantown, Ky - -
251 - - John Laine Private C 69 Ky Inf Jan 25 1864 June 19 1865 1 4 24 Germantown, Ky - -
252 - - John H. Martin Corporal G 16 Ky Inf Apr 4 1863 July 15 1865 2 3 11 Germantown, KY Varicose veins -
253 - - Dennis Walker Private K 55 Ky Inf Mar 16 1865 Sep 19 1865 0 6 3 Belcourt, Ky - -
254 - - John Munsch Private H 70 Ohio Inf Oct 19 1861 Jan 5 1864 2 2 16 Belcourt, Ky Right hip injured -
255 - - do Private H 70 Ohio Inf Jan 5 1864 Sep 15 1865 1 8 10 Belcourt,KY Right hip injured -
256 - - William A. Mitchell Corporal K 54 Ky MI Sep 1 1864 Sep 15 1865 1 0 14 Bellcourt, Ky Rupture & frozen feet -
257 - - Page - - - - - - - - -
258 - - Alfred M. Pepper Private L 2 Ky Cav Oct 15 1861 Dec 31 1862 1 2 16 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky - -
259 - - do 3rd Sergt L 2 Ky Cav Jan 1 1863 Sep 9 1863 0 8 18 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky - -
260 - - do 1st Sergt L 2 Ky Cav Sep 10 1863 July 1865 1 10 7 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky Shot in right leg -
261 - - John O'Connell Private H 54 Ky MI Sep 1 1864 Sept 1 1865 1 0 0 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky Spinal affliction -
262 - - Eliza Widow of Coleman SimpsonB. Private B 34 Ohio VI Sep 2 1861 May 25 1862 0 8 23 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky - -
263 - - William W. Tolle Marine - US Steamer Abiana Aug 30 1864 June 12 1865 0 9 12 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky - -
264 - - Samuel Tucker Private D 4 Ky MI Mar 5 1864 Aug 17 1865 1 5 12 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky Deafness -
265 - - William Conrad Private K ? 54 Ky MI Sep 1 1864 Jun 1 1865 0 9 0 Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky Exposure Rheumatism -
266 - - [margin note says"add"] - - - - - - - - -
267 - - John J. Kirk - - - . 186- . 186- .- Germantown, Bracken Co., Ky - -
268 - - Supervisor District 4 E.D.30 Chatham Precinct - - Eugene W. Bradford, Enumerator - - - -
269 - - Edward O. Fagan Private G 16 Ky Inf 14 Mar 1864 25 July 1865 1 4 1 Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky - -
270 - - [lined out] Maxwell Shirley Private B 21 Mtd Cav 20 Jun 1862 . 186- 2 Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky - -
271 - - Isaac E Waters Private T 1 Ohio Art 27 Aug 1862 22 July 1865 2 11 15 Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky Kidney disease -
272 - - Nathaniel Illeg ? First Sergeant H 59 Ohio Inf 30 Sep 1861 1 Nov 1864 3 1- Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky Piles -
273 - - Ephraim M. Bateman Sergeant L 2 Cav Ky - Oct 1861 - May 1863 1 6- Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky - -
274 - - John C. Hunter Private H 54 Ky Inf 1 Sep 1864 1 Sep 1865 1 Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky - -
275 - - Caroline Perkins (wid)JohnPerkins - - - . 186- . 186- .- Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky - -
276 - - [margin note says"add"]U.S. Soldier - - - - - - - - -
277 - - Wm S. Gillham - - - . 186- . 186- .- Chatham, Bracken Co., Ky - -
Supervisor District 4 E.D.21 Brooksville Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky W.A. Byron, Enumerator Page 1 [Note: "Add" written in page margin]
1--Weaver Henry C.PrivateD18 Ky InftOct 12 1861Jan 1st 18642 2 19Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyNoneTransfered veteran
2--SameCaptD18 Ky VVIJan 1st 1864July 15th 18651 7 14Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyNoneTransfered veteran
3--Metcalfe Eli P.PrivateE16 Ky CavAug 10 1862Nov 14th 18631 3 1Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyNone-
4--SameCorplE16 Ky VVIDec 12 1864Jul 15th 18651 5 1Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyNone-
5--Murphy John HPrivateE16 Ky InfOct 6 1861July 15th 18653 9 9Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyNone-
6--Perry F. CookPrivateE16 17b Ohio Vol InfSep 2nd 1864June 5th 18651 9 3Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky---
7--See Wes; W.PrivateE16th Ky InfOct 6th 1861Apr 9th 18642 6 3Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyConfined in hosptial in NashvilleTenn and Denison Ohio-
8--Ingram Hiram TPrivateG40th Ky InfOct 10th 1863Dec 30 18641 2 20Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyShot through the thigh at Kingston TennHeart trouble
9--Hamon PeterPrivateE15th Ky Vol InfOct 29th 1861Dec 31st 18632 2 2Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyNone-
10--[line crossed out] Thos L H Cates (conf)Veterinary''May 8th 1864July 15th 18651 7 -Brooksville, Bracken Co., KyNone-
11--[line crossed out] Willis H PillegE F4th Ky CavMay Sep 10 1864July illeg 18651 9 0Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky--
12---PriA4th Ky CavSep 10th 1864July 4 1865- 11 -Brooksville, Bracken Co., Ky--
Supervisor District 4 E.D.21 Brooksville Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky W.A. Byron, Enumerator Page 2 [Note: "Conf Wallin David J" written in page margin]
13--Owens AlbertPrivE18th KyOct 18th 1861July 15 18633 8 27-In hospital at Louisa Ky-
14--Murphy William MPrivE18th KyOct 18th 1861July 15 18633 8 27--In hospital at Newcastle Henry Co Ky
15--Weaver Peter WCom SargB40th KyMay 26th 1863Dec 30 18641 7 4-In hospital nine days Nashville Tenn-
16--Mattingly William TPrivK54th KySep 11th 1864Mar 1st 1865- 6 --In hopsital at Newcastle Kentucky-
17--Barker Thomas IPrivE10th Ky CavAug 11th 1862Sep 19th 1863- - ----
18--Barker Thomas JPrivE16th KyDec 23rd 1862July 15 18652 11 4---
19--Wells RichardPrivK55th Ky Mtd InfMay 10th 1864Oct 6th 18651 6 0---
20--Mofford George WPrivK54th Ky Mtd InfSep 1st 1864Sep 1st 18651 0 0---
21--Columbus HallPrivC18th Ky InfNove 3rd 1864July 18 18650 8 15---
22--James M. MartinPrivG16th Ky InfOct 20th 1861July 15 18653 9 9---
23--Archibald Geo. W.PrivKy54 Ky Mtd InfSep 1st 1864Sep 1st 18651 0 0---
24--James MoyerPrivE16th Ky InfOct 18th 1861July 15 18653 9 9---
25--James T. Jewitt [Jennett]PrivG7th Ky CavJuly 17th 1862June 6 18652 3 24---
26--Randolph WilsonPrivK54th Ky Mtd InfSep 1st 1864Sep 1st 18651 0 0---
---The address of all the above named is Brooksville Ky---------
Supervisor District 4 E.D.21 Brooksville Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky W.A. Byron, Enumerator Page 3
27--William M. MainsPrivE16th Ky InfOct 13th 1861July 15th 18653 9 2---
28sol-[crossed out] James H. Hamilton (conf)PrivE4th Ky Cav/td>Aug 6th 1864May 10 18650 11 0---
29--Angelina E. Conrod
Widow of Henry Conrod
PrivE16th Ky InfOct 13th 1861July 15th 18653 9 2Brooksville--
30--John ShropshirePrivG6th US Cav Col------
31--John J. JohnsonPrivH58th Ill InfOct 10th 1862May 18th 18641 7 8-Shot through right lung at Battle Yellow Bayonsburg-
32--Riely Moor [Moon]PrivD16th Ky InfAug 12th 1862July 15th 18652 11 3Brooksville--
33---------Wounded at the Battle of Five Forks Virginia, died from ? 4 months--
34--Peter Mains Widow ofPrivD18 Con Cav--3 0 0---
35--McQuinlin WilliamPrivE16th Ky InfDec 31 1861July 15th 18653 6 14-Wounded by gun shot at Battle of Atlanta Georgia-
36Add-Mary SnopshireWidow Sol-----Brooksville, Bracken County--
37Add-Minerva MainsWidow Sol-----Brooksville--
38--Albert WorkmanSol-----Brooksville--
39--Elizabeth Jacob widowSol-----Brooksville--
40--Edward McQuinlinSolE16 KyJan 10 1862July 15 1865Brooksville---
Supervisor District 4 E.D.21 Brooksville Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky W.A. Byron, Enumerator Page 4 [Note:"Add" written in page margin]
41--William McInithelinSol----Brooksville---
42--James M. WalkerSol----Brooksville---
43--Mortica DaySol----Brooksville---
44--John StarrSol----Brooksville---
45--Debby Mattingly widowSol----Brooksville---
Supervisor District 4 E.D.21 Brooksville Precinct Bracken Co. Kentucky W.A. Byron, Enumerator Page 5
27--Cummins NelsonPrivateA18 Ky InfyFeb 28 1862July 18th 18653 4 20Brooksville, Bracken Co. Ky--
28--Pebworth William MPrivateK4 Ky InfySept 16 1861June 20 18642 9 4Brooksville, Bracken Co. KyWounded in bowels at Battle ChickamaugaReceives Pension $24 per month
29--Pebworth RobertPrivateA18 Ky InfyOct 14 1861July 18th 18653 9 4Brooksville, Bracken Co. KyInjured by mule at Battle Chickamauga
Above would in head at Camp Huston, Ky
Receives Pension $8 per month
30--Fronk, James M.SergtE16 Ky InfyOct 18 1861July 14th 18653 8 27Brooksville, Bracken Co. KyWounded May 28, 1864 in left leg at Atlanta Ga GunshotReceives Pension $12 per month
31--Moyer [Moyen] PhilipPrivateE10 Ky CavAug 11 1862Sept 17 18631 1 6Brooksville, Bracken Co. KyBlindness, deafness, defective speechReceives Pension $24 per month
32--Routt NimrodCorporalB40 Ky Mtd. InfyJune 6 1863Dec 30 18641 6 24Brooksville, Bracken Co. Ky--
33--Susan, widow of
John W. Melvin
PrivateE16 Ky InfyNov. 2 1861Unknown3 4 20Brooksville, Bracken Co. Ky-Receives pension
34--Day AsaCorplE16 Ky InfyNov 1 1861July 15th 18653 8 14Brooksville, Bracken Co. Ky--

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