Backroads of Barren County, Ky., newspaper articles written by William Daniel Tolle 1877 thru 1920's, compiled by Sandra K. Gorin, Gorin Genealogical Publishing, copyright July 1991. p. 13. Used by permission. [Beaver Creek area] JAMES ARNETT. On the north side of the creek and opposite the Bryan lands, and on the Columbia road stands an old mansion, once the home of James Arnett. He raised a family of two boys and two girls, all that I ever knew. I think he had a son Samuel, who married and lived in the neighborhood of Horse Cave many years ago. One son, William, owned a farm and an apiary near the old homestead. He never married. He spent most of his time in latter years with his bees. He has been dead several years. The daughters were Eliza and Elizabeth. Eliza married a man by the name of Williams of Cumberland County. He was a Federal soldier of the Civil War and did not live many years after his marriage. One son was born to them, who is now living. His mother is dead. She drew a pension from the Federal government during the most, if not all, of her widowhood. Miss Lizzy never married. She carried on business at Slick Rock. She was an intelligent business woman, also an authoress. She wrote one book entitled "Mongst the Hills of Kentucky." Earl Williams, the son of Eliza and his family, are the only known descendants of the Arnett family in Barren County. The others, William, Eliza and Lizzy are dead. Arnett Bryan Williams = Horse_Cave-Hart-KY Cumberland-KY