The Times of Long Ago, Barren County, Kentucky. By Frankln Gorin. John P Morton & Company Incorporated, 1929. Published originally in the Glasgow Weekly Times, 1870's, p 137. A model man endowed with all the higher characteristics of a gentleman, with a clear and unpretentious mind, social, hospitable, with industry that overcame poverty, and enabled him to become and act the gentleman on all occasions, and in all situations. Who is he? William B. Rogers, a son of Bird Rogers, a pioneer of the earliest days. His education was limited - he was poor, but he was sensible and frugal, and many a day he labored hard for others without repining. His lot in those days would seem hard to the young man of these days, with whom gentility consists in idleness and in being gentlemen. Mr. Rogers aided in mainly supporting and in bringing up in honest courses the younger members of his father's family. He married Nancy Bagby, daughter of Capt. John Bagby of Revolutionary fame. He raised a large and highly respectable family, many of whom we have to lament, because of death. He and his wife are still living blessed with all the comforts and superfluities of life, honored and respected; yea, loved by all good men for their many virtues which cluster around and above their gray hairs in great abundance. Rogers Bagby = none