Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, Kniffin 2nd ed., 1885 Caldwell Co. THOMAS G. PETTIT was born January 24, 1854, in Caldwell County, Ky., and is a son of Thomas G. and Mary (Gray) Pettit, both natives of the same county and State. Thomas Pettit, Sr., was one of the leading farmers of Caldwell County, and during his life, accumulated a large property. He served as sheriff a number of years and died in 1856 at the age of sixty years. Subject's mother died in 1858. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit reared a family of seven children, named as follows: John (deceased), Lydia (deceased), Eliza (deceased), Addie, Susie, George W. and Thomas G. Subject was bereft of his parents at an early age, and lived with the family of his brother, George Pettit. He received the elements of a fair education in the schools of Princeton, attending the college at that place several sessions, and on attaining his majority commenced farming on the place where he now lives, three miles from Princeton. This is one of the largest and best farms in the County, and Mr. Pettit enjoys the reputation of being one of the most successful stockmen in west Kentucky. Pettit Gray = none