Text from Scott, Laurence W. (editor), Texas Pulpit by Christian Preachers. St. Louis: Christian Publishing Company, 1888. Pages 386-387. This online edition © 1996, James L. McMillan. Used by permission. Clark County. WILLIAM J. BARBEE was born in Winchester, Kentucky, July 14th, 1816. He was educated at Miama [sic] University, Oxford, Ohio. He studied medicine with Dr. Drake in Cincinnati, and took the degree of M. D. in 1836. He practiced for ten years, and then turned his attention to teaching, and has since been president of two colleges. He was baptized in Cincinnati, by Bro. James Challen, in 1840. In 1844 he commenced preaching. During the four score years of his ministry, he has labored chiefly in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Texas. He preached for the church at San Antonio till recently, when he removed to Ash Grove, Missouri, where he now resides. Dr. Barbee has given attention to several departments of natural science, and is known to many as the author of an elementary work on geology, and of a treatise on the cotton question. He has for twenty-five years been a contributor to numerous journals, literary, scientific, and religious. Barbee Drake Challen = OH TN MS TX MO http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/clark/barbee.wj.txt