The Crittenden Press, Marion, KY 22 Feb 1952. Used with permission. [Crittenden Co] MRS. MARTHA HUNT SIGLER, the daughter of Lee and Martha Hunt, was born February 16, 1868. She was married to Levi A. Sigler October 30, 1887. He died July 25, 1906. She lived in Kansas a year, but most of her life has been spent in Crittenden and Caldwell Counties among friends who know her as Aunt Matt. She reared her five children and a nephew. They are Mrs. R.D. Nesbitt, Mrs. Harry Neal, Mrs. Jamie Hunt, Tiller Sigler, Cecil Sigler and Hester Hunt. All of her children live in or near Marion. She reared the children on a farm near Midway. One by one she saw the children go out and establish their own homes. She moved from the little farm to Marion in 1938. After the marriage of her daughter, Edna, in 1942, who was the last to leave the family circle, she lived alone at her home on East Depot Street. She was very active, doing her housework and making her own garden until she suffered a paralytic stroke June 1950. She partly recovered and could walk without crutches, she seemed to be improved when, on April 9, 1951, she suffered another stroke and fractured her hip. Since then she has been unable to walk without crutches and the assistance of someone. Since the time of her first stroke she has resided with her daughter, where they have striven to give her the very best of attention. At present, she is in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Hunt. She professed faith in Christ at Sugar Grove Church and joined Blackburn Church early in life. Hunt Sigler Nesbitt Neal = KS Caldwell-KY