Historical Sketches of Kentucky by Lewis Collins, Maysville, KY. and J. A. & U. P. James, Cincinnati, 1847. Volume 1. Reprinted 1968. Fayette County. Artists of Kentucky, page 622. WILLIAM VER BRYCK, who has since attained much celebrity, executed some very fine portraits in Lexington, in 1868, one of Mrs. D. Whitney, one each of Mr. and Mrs. John Carty, and portraits of several members of Dr. Henry M. Skillman's and Isaac Scott's families. No visiting artist ever met with so much success in Lexington as Mr. Ver Bryck. He came to Lexington from the city of New York. Ver_Bryck Whitney Carty Skillman Scott = NY http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/fayette/verbryck.w.txt