Historical Sketches of Kentucky by Lewis Collins, Maysville, KY. and J. A. & U. P. James, Cincinnati, 1847. Volume 1. Reprinted 1968. Fayette County. The Poets and Poetry of Kentucky, page 579. WILLIAM ROSS WALLACE, Son of Rev. Matthew G. Wallace, a Presbyterian preacher, was a native of Kentucky, born at Lexington in 1819; well educated; read law, and began its practice with good prospects; but was persuaded, by literary friends, to abandon it, and settle in New York city, in the profession of authorship. He published three volumes of poems in 1848, 1851, 1856, and was preparing a fourth in 1860. Wm. Cullen Bryant, the poet-editor, awarded him high praise when he said "his poems are marked by a splendor of imagination and an affluence of poetic diction which show him the born poet." Mr. Wallace has been a regular contributor to some of the leading New York magazines and literary newspapers. [Note: Poems shown: "Daniel Boone," "The Grandeur of Repose" and "The Liberty Bell."] Wallace Bryant = NY http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/fayette/wallace.wr.txt