Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. T. J. JUMP, son of Robert and Margaret (Webster) Jump, was born in this county November 10, 1865. He is one of a family of six boys and four girls, all of whom are living. What education he received was obtained in the county schools of Grant. Like most boys reared on a farm he was not able to go to school save in the winter. Tom Jump began turnpike work when still quite a young man, and has been at it every since. He is well fitted for the position he holds, knows just how turnpike work should be done. He was elected Turnpike Commissioner over a field of good men in 1900, and has since served the county faithfully and well in this capacity. He was re-elected this year. In politics he is a Democrat, having been bred in the old Downingsville district, where Democracy is instilled into the pulses of the youth from its very first breath. Besides, being both a Jump and a Webster, he could not well be anything else but a Democrat. He was married to Miss Phoebe Lamb several years ago. Four children have been born to this union, two boys and two girls. His married life has proved quite a happy one and his business life quite successful. Jump Webster Lamb = none