History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties, Kentucky, ed. by William Henry Perrin, O. L. Baskin & Co., Chicago, 1882. p. 654. [Harrison County] [Cynthiana City and Precinct] D. A. GIVENS, breeder of Jersey cattle; P. O. Cynthiana; was born in Harrison County, Ky., May 18, 1831; son of Alexander and Mary (Steele) Lamme; he, a farmer by occupation, a native of Bourbon County, filling the position of Colonel of Militia of Harrison County for many years, and dying in August, 1840; she, a daughter of Samuel and Nancy A. (Steele) Lamme; native of Virginia, but of Scotch descent. They had ten children. THe grandfather of our subject, Samuel Lamme, came to Milford, near Cynthiana, about 1783, and was one of the brave and honored patriots who served in the Revolutionary army. He was one of the first Trustees of the schools of Cynthiana. January 19, 1855, Mr. Givens, the subject of this sketch, married Miss Margaret Keller, born in 1839, in Harrison County; a daughter of Abraham and Polly A. Keller. One child has blessed their union--Lamme Steele Givens, born Jan. 14, 1866. Mr. Givens received his education in the schools and Academy of Cynthiana, and commenced business in the mercantile line in 1850, which he followed for many years, including a term as railroad agent, abut 1855, but is now giving attention to farming and the breeding and sale of Jersey cattle, being the only breeder in that line in Harrison County, and his herd of Jersey cattle the only herd of Jersies in his county, about sixty in number, having at its head the bull Rex Alphea (4509). His Nelida represents the Niobe (99) family--favorite of the Elms, Pierott, Duke of Darlington, Uproar, Pansey, etc. He owns 175 acres of land, his home consisting of 25 acres, being called "Elmarch." Himself and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, and he is a Democrat. Givens Steele Lamme Keller = Bourbon-KY VA http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/harrison/givens.da.txt