"A HISTORY OF THE DAVIESS-McLEAN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION IN KENTUCKY, 1844-1943" by Wendell H. Rone. Probably published in 1944 by Messenger Job Printing Co., Inc., Owensboro, Kentucky, pp. 347-347. Used by permission. [Henderson] WILLIAM WARREN SCHWERDTFEGER: The last name immediately identifies this man of God as being of German descent. He was born in Newburgh, Indiana, on November 26, 1866, and was the son of Louis and Nancy Jones Schwerdtfeger. In his early life he worked on a farm and in the coal mines. He was converted at the age of seventeen and baptized into the fellowship of the Spottsville Baptist Church, in Henderson County, by Elder J. B. Roll. In the year 1885 he was licensed to preach by this church and was ordained in 1886. Thus began an active ministry which was to last for over forty- five years. In that time he pastored the following churches in Henderson County: New Hope, Spottsville, Ohio Valley, Cash Creek for 13 years, Audubon, a mission of the first church in Henderson which became a church under his ministry, Hebbardsville, Advance, Bethel, Bluff City, and Robards. His pastorates in this Association were at Bethel, Mt. Vernon, Green River, Mt. Liberty, Richland, and Basin in McLean County; Delaware Creek and Curdsville in Daviess County.; and Bethlehem and Mt. Pisgah in Muhlenberg County. His outstanding pastorate of thirty-four years at Cherry Hill in Henderson County made history in the Ohio Valley Association. His pasorate [sic] of twelve years and six months at Mt. Liberty in this Association was the longest in the history of that church. His educational advantages were not very good yet he performed a work that was almost miraculous. He served as the missionary of the Ohio Valley Association in 1910 and 1911 and preached the Annual Sermon before the same body in 1892. Brethren M. M. McFarland, F. L. Walker, and a young man by the name of Ledbetter were ordained under his ministry. Brother Schrwerdtfeger was first married to Miss Eliza Stewart and of this union four children were born, with one dying in infancy. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Claudia Hill. One son and one daughter were born to this union. The son is now a deacon and Sunday School superintendent in the Spottsville Church. The subject of our sketch died in the hospital at Henderson on September 27, 1933, and was buried in the Spottsville cemetery where he awaits the resurrection of the just. During his ministerial life he made his home in McLean and Henderson Counties. Schwerdtfeger Jones Roll McFarland Walker Ledbetter Stewart Hill = IN McLean Daviess Muhlenberg http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/henderson/schwerdtfeger.ww.txt