Historical Sketches of Kentucky by Lewis Collins, Maysville, KY. and J. A. & U. P. James, Cincinnati, 1847. Volume 1. Reprinted 1968. Henry County. The Poets and Poetry of Kentucky, page 615. MRS. SALLIE M. B. PIATT, Nee Bryan, is a native of Henry co., Ky., and was educated at the best schools in New Castle, the county seat. After leaving school, she ventured upon poetry, and sent her first pieces to the Louisville Journal about 1857-8, winning kind words and positive encouragement from the editor, Mr. Prentice. About 1860, she married John J. Piatt, himself a poet and newspaper correspondent of vigor and rdaciness, then resident in Louisville, and removed to Washington city. Her first volume, "A Woman's Poems," 127 pp., was published in Boston, 1871; and a second, "A Voyage to the Fortunate Isles, and other Poems," June, 1874. [Note: Poems shown: "After Wings," "To-Day," "My Ghost," "The Old Town Clock" and "A Fracas At The Widdy Ward's."] Piatt Bryan Prentice = Louisville-Jefferson-KY Washington-DC MS http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/henry/piatt.smb.txt