Kentucky: A History of the State, Perrin, Battle, Kniffin, 8th ed., 1888, Jefferson Co. WALTER F. BOGGESS, second assistant to Superintendent Pusey, of the Central Asylum for the Insane, was born January 19, 1863, in Jefferson County, Kentucky. His father, the Rev. C. Y. Boggess, is a native of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, and has been a minister in the Methodist Church for thirty-five years. His mother's maiden name was Miss Rose Moorman, daughter of Alanson Moorman. She was a member of an old family in Meade County, Ky. The subject of this sketch was educated at Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, Tenn., and from this institution he graduated in 1882. For the two years that followed he was assistant instructor in Greek. Then he came to Louisville (in 1883), and entered the Louisville Medical College, graduating as valedictorian in 1885, being second honor man in the class. In March, 1886, he accepted his present position. Boggess Moorman = Muhlenberg-KY Meade-KY Nashville-Davidson-TN