A History of Kentucky Baptists, From 1769 to 1885, by J. H. Spencer, 1886, Reprinted by Church History and Archives, 1976, Lafayette, TN. Gasper River Association. Logan County. JOHN B. DUNN, was a prominent and useful preacher in Gasper River Association. It is believed that he was a native of Logan county, and was brought up amid its deep forests, at a period when the children of the poor settlers had no opportunities to procure more than the elements of a common English education. At an early age he obtained hope in Christ, and united with Center church, then under the pastoral care of William Tatum. Here he was set apart to the ministry, not far from 1833. About this time, he moved his membership to Stony Point, having been called to succeed that eminent old servant of Christ, Phillip Warden, in the pastoral care of that church. He served this congregation eight years, with moderate success. In 1835, he accepted a call to Hazle Creek church, where he became the immediate successor of the famous pioneer, Benjamin Talbot. Here his labors were greatly blessed. In 1838, a revival prevailed, and the church increased from 59, to 182 members. He preached to this church seven years. At the last named date, he became pastor of Nelson Creek church in Muhlenburg [sic] county. He served this church one year, during which about 10 were added to its membership. In 1837, he succeeded William Tatum in the pastoral charge of Mt. Pleasant church, and ministered to it nineteen years. The body numbered 56 members when he took charge of it, and 172, when he left it. His membership was at this church, during most of the time he served as pastor. In December, 1839, Mt. Carmel church, in Muhlenburg county, was constituted, and Mr. Dunn was immediately called to its pastoral charge. During the six years he served in this position, the church grew from 14, to 46 members. He was pastor of Clear Fork church, in Warren county, and perhaps others not named above. In 1857, he resigned all his charges, and moved to the West, since which, no account of him has been received. Dunn Tatum Warden Talbot = Muhlenberg-KY Warren-KY http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/logan/dunn.jb.txt