"A HISTORY OF THE DAVIESS-McLEAN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION IN KENTUCKY, 1844-1943" by Wendell H. Rone. Probably published in 1944 by Messenger Job Printing Co., Inc., Owensboro, Kentucky, pp. 285-286. Used by permission. [Ohio] JAMES F. AUSTIN: It is to be regretted that very little information has been found concerning this outstanding preacher. He was considered one of the most eloquent pulpit orators in the Green River country in his day. His birth occurred in Butler County in the year 1819. Here he received a scant education. About the year 1842 he professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and was baptized into the fellowship of the old Beaver Dam church by Elder Alfred Taylor. By this same church he was ordained to the ministry in 1845, and in the same year took the pastoral charge of Salem Church in Butler County. He is known to have pastored West Providence, Green River, Walton's Creek, Slaty Creek, Beaver Dam, Pond Run, Mt. Carmel, and Hartford in Ohio County; Greenville, Nelson Creek, and Paradise, in Muhlenberg County; Cool Spring, Salem and Rochester, in Butler County; and others of which we are not informed. Some of the churches he served were members of this Association at the time. He also served as a fraternal messenger from the Gasper River Association to this body on several occasions. After the death of the venerable Alfred Taylor his mantle of leadership fell on the shoulders of J. F. Austin. He served Gasper River Association as clerk for eight years and as Moderator for ten years. His death occurred on October 4, 1883, in his 64th year. He deserves a larger comment on his useful life but this is all the data we have. Austin Taylor = Butler Muhlenberg http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/ohio/austin.jf.txt