Historical Sketches of Kentucky by Lewis Collins, Maysville, KY. and J. A. & U. P. James, Cincinnati, 1847. Volume 1. Reprinted 1968. Owen County. The Poets and Poetry of Kentucky, page 613. MISS LAURA CATHARINE FORD Is a native of Owen co., Ky., where her father, Capt. Harbin H. Ford, an extensive farmer, from Virginia, had settled about 1845. A few years after, while she was very young, the father died; and the mother, with her little son and daughters, removed to Frankfort, where they still reside. (May, 1874). Like many others of the gifted daughters of the West, Laura C. Ford was first encouraged by the bounding enthusiasm and general admiration of the great poet-editor, George D. Prentice, to try her pen at poetry. Her earlier efforts were published in the Louisville Journal, afterwards in the Louisville Courier, the Courier-Journal, and other Kentucky periodicals, and latterly and mainly in the Frankfort Yeoman. She writes with great ease, for pastime, and with a vividness and elasticity that promise much for the future. [Note: Poems shown: "Hunted Down" and "The Higher Aim."] Ford Prentice = VA Frankfort-Franklin-KY Louisville-Jefferson-KY http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/owen/ford.lc.txt