Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 6th ed., 1887, Shelby Co. ISAAC LEWIS, Sr., born in Virginia, March 13, 1802, is a son of Isaac and Nancy (Overfield) Lewis, natives of Virginia. He came to Kentucky with his parents in 1804 and settled in Madison County. He married, March 24, 1824, Mahala Rucker, of Shelby County, a daughter of Joshua Rucker. Having no children of their own they took Mary J. Robinson, at the age of fourteen months, and raised her. She married, and had one child, Lulu Mitchell, and when Lulu was one year old Mr. and Mrs. Lewis took her, reared her, and gave her a fine education at Shelbyville select schools and at Finchville. She is quite an accomplished lady, and September 29, 1875, married Richard Sandusky, of Shelby County, a son of Jacob and Nancy (Blaydes) Sandusky. Three children were born to them: Mary S., Ivan Earl and Maggie L. Mr. Lewis is well known throughout the county, and every one calls him Uncle Isaac. He was very successful at farming as long as he engaged in that occupation, but when the war closed he said the negroes were free and so was he, and from that day he never worked. He has been a great help to the community in which he has lived, ever ready to render a neighbor financial aid, and now has many friends, no enemies, and is universally esteemed. He makes his homes with Mr. and Mrs. Sandusky, who esteem him as a father. He is a member of the Baptist Church. Lewis Overfield Rucker Robinson Mitchell Sandusky Blaydes = Madison-KY VA