From: Sherri Hall [] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 7:52 PM To: Subject: [KYF] NEWS: Breaking into the Morgue, 1920, Bell Co. Submitted by Mary Lou Hudson Middlesboro Daily News, Middlesboro, KY Dec. 3, 1920 Breaking Into Morgue To Steal Coffin New Stunt In Middlesboro Shakespeare's "Grim death, how foul and loathsome is thine image." had no effect on the nocturnal marauder who tied to break into the Newman Morgue on Cumberland avenue Wednesday night with the apparent intention of stealing a casket or some other funereal (sic) necessity. Shortly after the midnight hour Mr. Newman was awakened by a noise at the door leading to the room in which coffins and caskets are stored, and making light that which was dark with the incandescent, the burglar was frightened just at the time when he was about to open the door after breaking the lock. Mr. Newman hurriedly ran to the rear of the store, but he was unable to find the would-be thief who had made a quick "get-a-way." Such ghoulish deeds as visiting cemeteries at night, breaking into vaults and robbing dead bodies of valuables have been chronicled since Time began, but this is the first time probably an attempt has ever been made to steal one of the death's storehouses. It is possible the visitor had in mind from a material viewpoint those lines of King Richard III that "Tis a vile thing to die when men are unprepared, and look not for it." ______________________________