Submitted ByRoberta Toby

I have a picture of a sawmill crew (10 men) taken at Junction City, Ky  It is probably between 60 and 70 years old.  50 anyway.   
It was my step uncle, Ransom Vaught's picture.  I live in Sou. Indiana.  The caption at the top of this picture said Frisco Kid and sawmill crew Junction City, KY

Update from Jennifer Abrams !!!!!  My great aunt Mary Louise Singler has the same photo.  She was the secretary at the sawmill.  
Edward A. was her brother and the owner of the sawmill.  Mary had the names of all the men on the back of her photo.  Mary 
doesn't have a computer so I am sending you the names.  

Starting with the back row from the left are :   Edward A. Singler ( Jennifer's great grandfather ), Jesse Trayner, Howard 
Perkins, Leon Hauk, Jim Rice, Ransom Vaught. 

Front Row from the left are :   Linsey Henley, Tom Shepperson, Luther Lunsford, Ben Brackett.


This picture was taken in 1927 or 1928   these are the employees of the Singler Lumber & Basket Company when 
Junction City had the first and only Tobacco Basket Factory in the state of Kentucky.

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