Generously Contributed by Gayle Reizes




1852 – 1892                            Huff, Joseph                                                 H         179

1869 – 1895                                     Enoch                                                             193

1878 – 1891                                     Isaac C                                                           198

                                                         James W                                                         199

                                                          C                                                                 204

                                                         Wm                                                                 206

                                                         Henry                                                              207

                                                         Emma L                                                          208

                                                         Robert E                                                         212 

                                                          D                                                                 242

                                                        Moses                                                              244

                                                          and Hattie A                                           257

                                                        Roland S                                                          253 

                                                        Joseph E                                                          263

                                                       Benjamin                                                           263

                                                       Maude                                                              296

                                                      Wm C and Henrietta                                          310



Huff, Isaac C            198

 1878               Fr        Stephens, Alexr           ½ Lightfoots Fork      29 – 182

   1884              To        Wolf, Geo                   ½ Lightfoots Fork      35   556

                             Fr         Peoples, C F                Lat Butler                 36   11

  1890               Fr        Comr.                           22 ¾                       34   258

 1891                To        Bradford PH                22 ¾                        41   363



Alexr Stephens, Pend Co

To § 29 – 182  Aug 16, 1878                       $32.  Pd

Isaac C. Huff

On Lightfoots Fork Gr Crk

Beg at stn & WO Sapling in So edge of the road – SE cor. to Joseph Free’s

1 acre purchase of so Stephens; th along center line of so. road as follows – W 88 E 6p – N 68 E 13 p to stn in center of the road; th leaving the same as follows – N 73 W 18-1/3 p to Joseph Free’s NE cor; th S 15 W 11 p to beg cont ½ A +/-

                                                                                    Elickander X Stephens

                                                                                    Savannah X Stephens

ATT.  John Rodgers

            John Rodgers

Ackd Aug 23, 1878 before

Henry T. Morten DC for John B Applegate Clk

Reg Sept 9, 1878 WC Holt by Thos Marshall DC