Henry County Obituary Records -

These records are a PARTIAL extract of the Henry County Local (HCL) Obituaries. These records range from the early 1900's to the present day and were Submitted By: the contributor listed below. Not all the obituaries contained during the years of the newspaper have been extracted. Please use this information as a starting point for your own research.



James Graham Sackett

James Sams

Cecil B. Sanders

Martha Sanders

Tina Sanders

Wilna Sanders

Geneva Sanford

Mary Ann Smith Sanford

Thomas Sanford

Charles Satterley

Fulton Satterly

Nannie Satterly

Artie Satterwhite

Delbert Satterwhite

Harry Saxton

James Saylor

Marilyn Stivers Scaggs

Cordie Schnitzen

Frank Schnitzen

Hazel Schooler

Anna Scott

Anna Belle Scott

Charles T. Scott

Helen Bryant Scott

Roy Scott

Nick Scruggs

Regina Lynn Childress Seadler

Vicki Ann Morgan Sebastian

Grace Seeders

Eurith Black Self

Ida Self

Daisy Sewell

Delores Sewell

George Sewell

Rebecca M. Sewell

Sallie Sewell

William H. and Joanna Sewell

Edith Shannon

Elva Ree Shannon

Katie Freeman Shannon

Drexell Sharp

Eddie Sharp

Ella Sharp

Elmer Sharp, Sr.

Ethel �Granny� Sharp

Greg Sharp, Sr.

Glenn Sharp, Sr.

John Sharp

John Thomas Sharp

Mildred Sharp

Ralph Sharp

Shirley Sharp

Donnie Shaw

Philip Ray Shaw

Margaret Shay

Rebecca Shell

Sam Shoemake

Sharon Roberts Schott

Kenneth Shelton

Marvin R. Shelton

Meredith �Mert� Shelton

Virginia Shelton

Gladys Shepherd

Janie Elizabeth Shinkle

Lula Pearl Lancaster Sholar

Don Short

Clearthur Shouse

Janice M. Shroyer

Alfred Shuck

Ben Wesley Shuck

David Shuck

Earl Shuck

Eva Shuck

Infant Shuck

Joe Shuck

Katherine Shuck

Lora Shuck

Lula S. Shuck

Robert Shuck

Sarah Shuck

Shirley Shuck

Caby Sibley

Coleman Sibley

Mary Sibley

Florence "Elma" Fields Jarman Graves Simmons

Florence Simmons

Charles Simpson

George Simpson

Gerald Simpson

Ira Simpson

Janett Simpson-Meder

Anna Sims

Laura Simpson

Lisa Singer

Betty Singleton

Donna Singleton

Faye Louden Singleton

James Singleton

Larry Singleton

Leonard �Boots� Singleton

Mary Head Singleton

Deborah Moore Sizemore

John (Dale) Sizemore

Roscoe Randy Sizemore

Suzan Hawkins Navarrette Sizemore

Wanda Sizemore

Anna Skaggs

Barbara Wyman Skaggs

Mary Skelton

Charlie Skidmore

Leonard C. �L.C.� Skidmore, Jr.

Mary Jo Coombs Skidmore

Mary Jo Coombs Skidmore

Lucretia Skinner

Mattie Sleets

Alberta Taylor Sloan

Yvonne Sloan

Chris "Smalls" Smalley

Patricia Smalley

H. Otis Smallwood

Aggie Lee Ball Smith

Allen J. Smith

Amanda L. Smith

Anna Lee Smith

Arlene Smith

Beatrice Smith

Blondella Smith

Bonnie Bell Moe Smith

Curtis Smith

Dick Smith

Earl Louis Smith

Frances Meade Smith

Gladys Smith

Harmon Smith

Hattie Brannin Smith

Hughleen Smith

Ila Smith



Irene Smith

James Smith

J. J. Smith

John Harley Smith

John W. Smith, Jr.

John W. Smith, Jr.

Juanita Smith

Kathleen Smith

Kenneth Smith

Kenneth Smith

L. Key Smith

Leon Smith

Martha Smith

Michelle Smith

Milton Smith

Nancy Smith

Nim Rod Smith

Phyllis Smith

Robert  Smith

Rose Smith

Rose Dee Pratt Smith

Rosie Smith

Todd Smith

Virginia Smith

Agnes Smither

Ira Smither, Sr.

Lou Ella Smither

Melvin Smither

Robert Smither

Thomas Smoot

Gladys Snook

Drexel �Lee� Southworth

T. S. Southworth

Will I. Sparks

John Allen Speagle

Donald Ray Spear

Fannie Spear

Mary Stout-Spelbring

Margaret Spencer

Paul Allen Spencer

Catherine Spicer

Eli Spicer

Joseph Spillman

Lirza Spillman

Ruby Spillman

William Spillman

Gordini Spurr

Heloise Stafford

Noah Stafford, Jr.

Melisa Stalker

James Stambaugh

Margaret Stamper

Mark Stamper

Dalton Stangle

Dalton Stangle

Kathy Stangle

Larry R. Stanley

Margaret Stanley

Cecil Staples

Laura Staples

Mary Staples

Stella Mae Staples

Salena Starkey

Anita (Mrs. Rufus) Starks

Eva Starks

James Madison Staten

Ellen Moore Staten

E.B. Staten

Sara Staten

Martha Steele

Martha Bedford Steele

Richard Steele, Sr.

Viola Coomer Steele

Balford Henry Stephens, Jr.

Eliza Lee Downey Stephens

Phyllis Stephens

David Stethen

Margarett Stethen

John Stevens

Mary Stevens

Mary Lee Stevens

Gerald Thomas Steverson

Anna Stewart

David Stewart

Francis Stewart

Robert Stewart

William A. �Bill� Stewart

Clarence Stilger

Alonzo Stivers

Barbara Stivers

Bernice Stivers

Catherine Stivers

Eileen McGowan Stivers

Estil Stivers

Isabelle Stivers

John Thomas Stivers

Joseph Stivers

Judy Carol Stivers

Leona Stivers

Leslie Wilson Stivers

Luther Stivers

Naomi Stivers

Ollie Stivers

Randall Stivers

Robert Stivers

Rose Stivers

Waldine Stivers

William F. Stivers

William �Bill� Stivers

Willie Stivers

Willie Price Stivers

Michael Stockdale

Alyce Stoess

Will Ellis Stone

James Strauhan

Catherine Nicole Morriss Straw

Carl Strieble

Charles Sturgeon

Doris Sturgeon

Michael Sublett

Bessie Sullivan

Infant Sullivan

Emma Suter

Hazel Tingle Suter

John O. Suter

Leonard Suter

Cecil Sutherland


Jerry Sutherland

Q. Sutherland

Melvina Sutlidff

Edna Mae Cox Mitchell Sutton

Martha Sutton

Andrew Sweat

Nancy Sweat

Valeene C. Sweazy

Elizabeth Sympson