The diaries of Artie Lee Foster are being contributed by her niece Debbi Cooper.

In these journal entries you will find deaths, marriages and day to day details of living in Casey County that you may not find anywhere else. The entries date back to 1932. Artie Lee, married Finley Foster of Casey County and died in
1990 at the age of 86....... So take a trip back in time and visit a slower gentler way of life... Enjoy!!

Monday 18 Oct. 1943 :

I went to Popwells this eve  Got my Sorgram to  day Clyde Foster moved to the Ralph Place and Allen moved over here at  Bills Place  by


Tuesday 19, Oct. 1943 :

Well I made Anna Grace a Dress and cleaned up the house  by  by 


Wednesday 20, Oct. 1943 :

Well I went to Clemensville this morning   Sold a good Bill of goods  so  by 


Thursday 21, Oct. 1943 :

I made Grace a Kittle Soap  Anna Grace a  skirt and warshed out my dish towels  by 


Friday 22, Oct. 1943 :

Tunkey brought us a load of wood  I  helped  I ironed this morning  Sold my old rooster  so by by 


Saturday 23, Oct. 1943 :

Got egg Mash $3.50 Got our glasses today   Well I went to town  Spent the day with Mom and Eric   so   by   by  


Sunday 24, Oct. 1943 :

Went to Sunday School this  m     Beet (?) Popwell come home with me 
