Pendleton County News

C O V I N G T O N  J O U R N A L

New Series--Vol. VIII, No. 5         COVINGTON, KY., FEBRUARY 27, 1875                Whole No. 277


    The jury in the Digby murder case failed to agree upon a verdict and the defendant was admitted to bail.




    A gentleman from Bracken, near Brooksville, one day last week came to this place for coal for smithing purposes. He said there was none in Augusta orMaysville. No wonder the people of Bracken have subscribed so liberally to the P. G. Roaf.


    FIRE! – The steam saw and grist mill of Mr. Morris, situated in the North-eastern part of this county, was burned on last Friday night. The fire was discovered about midnight, but too late to save any portion of it. There is some ecidence that it was the work of an incendiary.


    At the meeting of the Town Council, on Monday evening, Jim Gifford applied for and was granted town license to sell liquor until the first of May. After this time – 1st of May – Jim proposes to live a more exemplary life. He is disgusted with the business and the laws and is going to quit selling “old fine.”


DEATHS, - In this county, on the 21st inst., Mrs. John Indicut, of measles…At Morgan, Ky., on the 13th, inst., of consumption, Miss Maggie Lucket. She was a member of the Christian Church and I. O. G. T.